SynaptiCAD Product Suite v14.11d
البرنامج يعتبر أحد البرامج الخاصة بالتصميم خصوصا للمهندسين
كن قادرا على البدء في تحليل وتصميم محاكاة الأفكار فورا دون الحاجة إلى إكمال نموذج كامل الدوائر
البرنامج يساعد فى معالجة الكثير من التفاصيل الصغيرة والمشاركة في جهود التصميم
SynaptiCAD was founded by electrical engineers
to create design tools that helped engineers think critically about
their designs. Being engineers themselves, they were frustrated by
having to almost complete adesign before being able to get simulation
results. Our founders decided that there must be a better approach for
interacting with design tools and from this simple idea they created
SynaptiCAD, a company that creates "tools for the thinking mind". This
idea permeates all of our tool interfaces. With SynaptiCAD's tools you
are able to begin analyzing and simulating design ideas right away
without having to complete an entire circuit model or schematic. Our
tools automatically handle many of the minor details involved in the
design effort, leaving you more time to focus on the bigger picture.
Size 114 MB
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